A podcast

Overcoming and finding peace in your world…

Hosted by Harley, who shares personal experiences and faith-driven insights, this show offers practical advice and spiritual encouragement to help you transform your mindset and find hope. Each weekly episode explores real-life questions we have for ourselves and explores different strategies for emotional healing, positive thinking, and navigating life's challenges, grounded in biblical wisdom. Tune in for relatable stories, spiritual reflections, and inspiring conversations that support your journey toward a renewed and resilient heart and mind.

Why Listen?

  • Transformative Insights: Learn practical strategies for overcoming trauma, heartbreak, and anxiety from someone who has walked in your shoes, or at least tried them on.

  • Faith-Centered Guidance: Discover how faith, hope, learning about God REAL love and biblical wisdom can help shift your mindset from negativity to positivity, through finding peace in all things calming an overactive mind and finding the good in all things through a different lens.

  • Transparency: Hear personal experiences and real-life stories that offer comfort, inspiration, and practical advice. We gonna keep it 100!!!

  • Emotional Support: Connect with a community that understands your struggles and supports your journey toward healing and renewal.

Tune in to “Check Yoself With Harley” for actionable tips and spiritual encouragement that can help you cultivate a more positive and resilient mindset.

Harley r

Who am I? This has been the last thing I've tackled on this project because, truthfully, it has been the hardest question I've ever answered in life. Who are we, really? I find that we often define ourselves by our profession, what we do, and our responsibilities. While these are important aspects, they do not define us; they are just parts of our life.. So, it's common to say, "I am a mother, I am someone's daughter, I am someone's wife," etc. You get my drift. So, who am I?

I am a lover of God. I am faithful. I am hopeful. I am self aware.I am creative. I am outspoken. I love hard. I am compassionate. I am understanding.I am respectful of others and their journey. I am a survivor. I am a fighter. I am a problem solver, a hustler—I go and get it.

This is who I truly am. At times, it is scary to say this out loud because I don't want to come off as cocky or to think too highly of myself. But I bet if I spoke negatively about myself, I wouldn't even question it. It is that mindset that has brought me here today. I am proud of who I am and the different parts of me, even the ugly ones.

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