welcome to check yoself w/harley

Welcome to Check Yoself With Harley This project means everything to me, and I have poured my heart and soul into it. I hope this helps you guys as much as it has transformed my own life. This show is for those of us who are tired of doing the same thing, those of us who have struggled and can’t seem to get ahead, the ones who want to be happier, who want to find joy, and who want to fulfill their dreams. The world is a big place, and I have learned that we can’t change others; we only have control of one thing: ourselves. It starts with us! We are here to learn about ourselves, to challenge our beliefs, to challenge the beliefs of others about us, to challenge the narrative we have adopted of who we are, and to explore behaviors and habits and where they come from. We are going to become better friends, better parents, better partners, and better humans because life is hard on EVERYONE. So why not make it easier not just on ourselves, but on others as well? Don’t we all just want to be understood? Don’t we all want grace and compassion? So join me on the journey to be the person you were called to be, the person in your heart you know you can be. This is not a beat-ourselves-up fest; this is us analyzing and enhancing our strengths. Those things we see as “weaknesses” will become our superpower. Because we do not have to be who the world says we are, we do not have to be the person your abusive ex told you you were, the bully at school, the toxic parent, or the mental health diagnosis you received. We are going to get comfortable with being uncomfortable and challenge ourselves and our minds to do things we would never do. Fear is not an option; courage is a power you have. I believe in you, and I am proud of you for taking the steps to become your dream self


Why I gotta check myself?